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The Hebei Research Institute of Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Co., Ltd. (CHCI) was founded in 1953. It has now developed into a major geotechnical engineering company in China that provides engineering services in construction& management, geotechnical investigation, surveying and mapping, design, research & development, and machinery manufacture……

Technical research


To achieve the development of geotechnical engineering technology system with CHCI feature, the Company is actively engaged in research on new technology, new process and new methods, and developed core technologies in the competence area of geotechnical engineering investigation, hydrogeological investigation, water resources assessment, foundation treatment, prevention and control of engineering……

Corporate culture


Our Purpose:  Sharing Weal & Woe, Thriving Enterprise & Family, Enjoying Mutual Benefit in Harmony and Sustainable Development.

Our Mission: To Satisfy Clients’ Demands, To Provide Staff with Opportunities, To Increase Returns for Shareholders and Contribute to Social Wellbeing..

Our Prospect: To Create Top-ranking Geotechnical Engineering Group in China and Build……

Add:NO.555 Huaian Road(west),Shijiazhuang City,Hebei Prov. P.C.:0502271   Tel:0311-66723100 66723200 Fax:0311-66723277
Copy right:China Hebei Construction & Geotechnical Investigation Group Ltd. 2008
二道江区摄影器材有限公司铁岭县技术转让有限公司桥西区化工原料及产品有限公司恩阳区转口贸易有限公司德保县快递服务有限公司 东山县房地产信息咨询有限公司屯昌县法律信息咨询有限公司筠连县汽车租赁有限公司慈利县室内装潢及设计有限公司确山县保洁服务有限公司